i finally added some of the stuff i said i would add such as music and all that but im still having problesm thinking about how ill implement a thoughts page or something. because i realized i don't think i need a thoughts page i need a god damn journal lol.
ive been having problesm with thinking about how im acctually just going to do this website; like i wanna talk about myself and shit but i dunno if i should just add a bunch of shit to my about me or like make a page where i do blog post type deal thingys about my thoughts and shit. im trying to figure that out and when i do everything will be fine and dandy but for now if anyone who visits this website has any ideas the comments are open and i would appreciate some help.
hello this is my first blog post ive made, currently the website is still being built and i plan on adding alot more later. currently only the about me and homepage are fully done. soon ill start makin the intresting shit but for now the website is bland and sad. expect these things in the next few days to weeks though: cool wacky weird useless fun webpages, a project library type deal thing, autoplaying music on the website, and more images cause this website is currently pretty much completley devoid of them.